Episode 77: Developing A Sales Mindset, With Rick Barerra

What You Will Learn:

  • What revenue acceleration is, and how a “radical redesign” of your business can dramatically increase your revenue
  • What a sales mindset is, and what common roadblocks and obstacles entrepreneurs often face that Rick can help them overcome through the power of mindset
  • Why Rick pushes his sales team to track by hand the work they’re doing, the calls they are making, and how many responses they get
  • Why consistency is the key to overcoming the lag time between building the relationship and making the sale
  • How manually tracking their progress helps the sales team see and experience the correlation between the work they do and the results
  • Why communications like text messages and emails lack the richness and depth of face-to-face communication
  • Why Rick suggests your sales team record every single sales call and then listen back to them, reviewing the conversations to find ways to improve
  • How Rick is involved with Partner Here, a website that helps business owners find business partners to start or grow a business without cash
  • How Partner Here allows experts to leverage their specialized skills and allows businesses to offer alternative compensation for help getting things off the ground
  • Why the right mindset will help you think outside the box and find innovative solutions that are within your abilities and resources

About Rick Barerra

Rick Barrera is known as the Revenue Accelerator for the work he does with entrepreneurs and small businesses to smooth the on-ramp and make them easier to do business with. He believes you can generate any level of revenue you choose, whenever you choose to generate it.

He is the author of the best-seller, Overpromise and Overdeliver: How to Design and Deliver Extraordinary Customer Experiences. His other books include Non-Manipulative Selling, Collaborative Selling, Alignment: The Shortcut to Marketplace Dominance, and We Before Me: How to End Workplace Selfishness and Accomplish More Than You Ever Thought Possible.

Rick is also the Head of Faculty for the Center for Heart Led Leadership in Denver, Colorado where he works with SEAL Team leaders, world class mountain climbers, Fortune 500 CEOs, journalists and astronauts to teach We Before Me leadership to the next generation of leaders. His Heart of Leaders podcast can be found on Apple, Spotify or wherever you like to get your podcasts.

Rick speaks worldwide on Innovation in Leadership, Strategy, Branding, Marketing, Sales and Customer Experience.


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I am here with a special guest who I’ve known for some time. His name is Rick Barrera. It’s hard to know the best way to introduce him, so I’m going to take a shot at it, and then I’ll let him fill in. Rick is one of the best general business minds I’ve ever met, but he has deep expertise in revenue acceleration, which is a term that I’m sure he’ll talk more about. Many of us would say revenue generation, but he is an expert in accelerating revenue. He’s a speaker, author, coach, and consultant. He’s also the Founder of a company called Partner Here, which we’ll get into as well in our interview. He hails from the San Diego, California area. Welcome, Rick.

Thank you. Pleased to be here, Brett.

Glad to have you here. Where should we start? I heard you speak at one of our Elite events. One of our members heard you speak elsewhere and said, “Brett, you ought to have Rick. Come speak to our members.” We had you come out and I was not disappointed. You are, in fact, a revenue acceleration expert. Let’s start there. All of our audience are seven-figure business owners. Many of them hit a ceiling, somewhere between $1 million to $2 million in revenue. It starts to get to a place where they don’t know how to continue growing. Not just from a revenue standpoint, but from the business-building side of things.

On the revenue side of things, our audience would benefit from hearing some of the things that you’ve learned and some of the things that you’ve taught and coached many business owners around revenue acceleration. Let’s start with that. What is revenue acceleration and what can you share with our audience that would help them in their businesses?

Revenue growth could be 1%. You can still call it revenue growth, but in revenue acceleration, I’m typically looking for at least a doubling of revenues over a year, sometimes significant. If you’re at 0% or 1%, then 20%’s probably a good first year. We want to go to 50% a year or doubling or something like that, where we’re ramping revenues in a significant way, which requires not just an incremental effort but a fundamental redesign of what you’re doing.

If the current thing is cranking out something less than you’re happy with, you have to make some changes.

Almost every business is sitting on infinite opportunity. The problem I find is that almost all the work that I do with entrepreneurs is mindset work. I had a great mentor, Dr. John Lee, who said to me one day. I said something about mindset, and he said, “Do you know what that means?” I said, “Yes, it’s the way you think.” He’s like, “No, that’s not what it is.” It’s a very specific thing. A mindset is a group of self-reinforcing ideas that serve to either hinder or help you in the accomplishment of your goals. Some people run an infinite loop of negativity. “I can’t grow because I don’t have money to invest. I can’t hire a salesperson. I can’t invent a new product. If I don’t have salespeople, then I can’t grow. If I don’t have marketing money, I can’t grow.”

Almost every business is just sitting on infinite opportunity. The problem is mindset work. Share on X

However, it’s not one idea. It’s a whole group of ideas that gets them stuck. What I try to do is work with them on the growth mindset of what are all the ideas that are self-reinforcing on the growth side, so that if we put this in place, then that means we can put this in place, then that works, and then the customer’s like this, and then that happens, and then the next thing happens, and the whole thing becomes a virtuous cycle that helps you to get where you want to go. A lot of what I do is around mindset.

What is a common roadblock or mindset for entrepreneurs around revenue that you come across over and over again?

There are many of them. When I start working with a company, they say, “What are we going to do? What am I going to get for all this money I pay you?” I’d say, “We’re going to do all these things, we’re going to do training, and we’ll do these other things, but what’s really going to happen is I’m going to change the way you think.” It’s around mindset. As the mindset starts to shift, then everything else shifts. I’m working with a turnaround now and they had layers of things. Here’s a great one. You’ll love this one. I said to one of the salespeople, “I want you to give me a forecast for next month.” He said, “How could I do that?” I said, “What do you mean?”

He said, “I don’t know who’s going to call me.” If you’re a salesperson, you’re not waiting around for people to call you. You don’t have to listen to people who call. That’s a basic one. Who are we calling? I know you teach all this and you know all this, but for your audience, the most basic thing is, “Does each salesperson know who they’re going to call this week and what they’re going to say?” For most companies, the answer is no. That’s a mindset issue.

The salespeople say, “You’re micromanaging me.” I don’t have to micromanage you as long as you show me that you know how to do that. Show me who you’re calling this week and this month, show me your plan for the year, and then I’ll leave you alone. The problem is, when you ask for that, they go, “I have to go by feel. I get up on Monday and I see who’s the most important.” That’s a problem.

The way I like to think about it is it’s a race. Between Friday afternoon and Monday morning is planning time. You can do that anytime you want. You can do it Friday evening, Saturday morning, or Sunday night. I don’t care when, but when the starting gun goes off on Monday morning, from Monday to Friday, you should not be thinking. You should be calling, meeting, emailing, on LinkedIn, or whatever your method is. You need to be in the game or the race from 9:00 to 5:00, Monday through Friday at least. You should be in motion. You should not have to think about, “Who am I going to call? What am I going to say?” All that stuff is done outside the 9:00 to 5:00 or your selling window, whatever that time is. That’s a basic one.

I’m curious. My mind is racing after I hear you say that, Rick. It would be fascinating to hear an average percentage bump in sales across businesses that just did that one thing that you talked about. You made a game plan ahead of time, and then the 9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Friday was the execution like, “We’re going to go do this.” How much would sales go up if every company did that?

It’s huge. It’s exponential. If I have a salesperson who works directly for me in my company, I make them by hand. We all have these fancy CRMs, but I make them by hand, keep a tally list, or tick marks. “How many calls did you make?” If you’re working on LinkedIn, “How many times did you reach out? How many responses did you get? How many connections did you make? How many conversations did you have? Of those conversations, how many resulted in taking an action?”

I’m going to send out a brochure or a video. I’m going to take some action, and then follow up conversation. Ultimately, sales. There’s a lag between the activity and the sales. If you look at this over the course of a year, it’s fascinating to watch because there’s usually someplace between a 30-day and 180-day lag. Sometimes it can be a couple of years, but usually, 30 to 180 days, there’s a lag. If I make 100 outbound calls, I’m not going to see the results of that today, tomorrow, or even this week. There’s going to be some building of a relationship over time that results in a sale down the road. I make them keep these tick marks every day and chart them so they can see what their activity levels look like.

It’s tactile. This is why you make the physical marks because you know how many times you’re ticking the paper, and it connects to your brain. You’re making this mind-body connection to the activity that creates the result. Pretty soon, sales start to ramp up. Now, you say, “Let’s look at the lag time. When did the sales ramp start?” You look back and you go, “For us, it’s 45 days in the sales cycle. If I make a lot of calls 45 days later, I’m going to have a lot of sales.” As long as you’re making the calls, your sales are going to be steady.

What happens is salespeople are, in general, very egotistical. We love ourselves, and we should because we’re awesome. Most of us are perfect. As soon as the sales start, two things happen. One, we say, “I’m busy. I’m making sales. I got to ship stuff. I got to deliver things. I have to go on-site and do training. I got to have all these activities that happen around the sales side. I’m busy, so I can’t make all those calls like I did before.” That’s the first excuse.

EEP 77 | Sales Mindset

Sales Mindset: Salespeople are, in general, very egotistical. We love ourselves.


The second one is, “The world has discovered me. Look at my sales. I’m awesome. The company’s awesome. The world has discovered me from here on out. It’s pure growth.” That’s not what happens. That lag time is built in on the downside too. I get busy with my customers, I stop making the calls, and then 45 days later, the curve starts to dip. Sadly, you can’t go, “Let me turn it back on.” You can, but you have a 45-day.

You get this sale fulfillment thing that a lot of business owners do.

Especially if you’re the fulfiller. If you’re a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, or something like that, you’re doing the marketing, and then you have to do the delivery. In other words, you are the product. When you start being the product, you’re sales growth dies, which is the point at which you hire somebody to do that. You can be the delivery engine and you’ve got somebody who’s making those calls and making it happen. That’s your expertise, that whole transition thing to hiring people and delegating properly. The reason I make them do it by hand is because I’ve never had this fail.

Two things happen. They have this revelation. They go, “There’s a correlation between how many calls I make and how many sales I make, but there’s a lag.” Intellectually, you can know that. Until you experience it, it’s not real. By keeping the little tick marks and keeping the chart, when they discovered it, it was like, “Look at this.” Sales start to go up and it’s exciting. That’s when the coaching comes in and you say, “Would you like it to keep going up? There’s a way to make it keep going up.”

That is exciting. I love that the tick marks are tactile. You have them do it manually for the reason you described. I bet it also has the effect of helping them see how much they’re doing compared to what it feels like sometimes. Sometimes it’s like, “I do so much. I’m calling like crazy. My whole day is full of calls,” and then there are ten tick marks.

That’s the thing. If they had a lazy day, everybody does, it’s okay. If they had a lazy day, or they had a busy day, or they’re hungover, or whatever the issue is, when they don’t put a bunch of tick marks down, they know it. They have to chart it. They’ve been going up, and then they got to put a mark here and the graph goes down. They’re aware of it at the moment. “My productivity is down.” If they do that 2 or 3 days in a row, now the chart was going up and now it’s down. They see it, they feel it, and they start to get a sense of the connection between the outbound calls or whatever your methodology is.

The other thing I like to track is face-to-face minutes. This is a mindset thing. There are so many salespeople who the company makes responsible for lead generation and also for delivery of various things, or maybe even shipping or sending out videos. They end up with all these operational tasks. If you look at how many face-to-face or phone-to-phone minutes they have with actual customers or potential customers, it’s super low.

Let’s say it’s an hour a day. When you think about that, they’re working an eight-hour day, so 7/8 of your day is not productive as a salesperson. You start taking that stuff away and you say, “No, phone to phone, face-to-face minutes. Start tallying them.” People then say, “They’re going to pad that. They’re going to go yakety-yak with a customer for 35 minutes.” The customer isn’t going to yakety-yak with them for 35 minutes unless they’re adding value. They might give them two more minutes, but they’re not going to give them 30 more minutes. If they’re having better longer calls, more face-to-face, and more phone-to-phone time, then there’s always a correlation between that increase and sales increasing.

I hate to ask questions like this, Rick, but I’m dying to ask you. If you could only use one of those levers, number of calls, talk time, or face-to-face time, if you were starting to make improvements, which one would you improve?

Face-to-face time or phone-to-phone time. One of the issues now is this. I hesitate to even allow this into the conversation because it gets abused. People say, “My customers don’t want to talk to me. They want to email.” I’m fine with that. A) If it’s true, which sometimes is and sometimes isn’t. B) As long as you’re keeping a good email trail of those conversations and you’re seeing progress in the relationship building. There are companies and sales roles where it’s primarily done through email, but you don’t build the same kind of relationship with email as you do with a phone call or face-to-face. Especially the younger generations, the Millennials and the Gen Zs, they love to say, “No, they don’t want to talk to me.”

You don't build the same kind of relationship with email as you do with a phone call or face-to-face. Share on X

We send them a text.

That is sometimes true, but it is often not true. There’s a richness of communication. A text or an email is what I like to call poor as opposed to rich. It’s because you don’t have context, you don’t have engagement, you don’t have body language, you don’t have facial expressions, you don’t have pitch and tone of voice, you don’t have pacing, and you don’t have any of that stuff. As you go from poor tools to rich tools, which are face-to-face and team meetings and things like that, even a Zoom call is richer than a phone call.

You can say people like to email. Sure they do. It depends on what it is. If it’s a quick, “I need to order a number 435,” email is quicker, it’s efficient, and that’s what the customer wants. If you’re trying to help the customer grow their business or serve their customers or them better, then richer communication results in a better customer experience and more sales.

That’s what we’re talking about. How do we get those more sales? A lot of our audience are seven-figure business owners who are feeling their reality of wearing multiple hats. They may not even have a salesperson. They may be the person who needs to track the tally marks of how many touches, how many calls, or how many outreaches they’re doing. Also, track the amount of face-to-face time or talk time. That alone has either reminded them or introduced to them the idea that their activity yields some delayed fruit later. There’s a lag effect, but activity now leads to what they want down the road. They need to be thinking about that.

You need to track it in a visual way so that you can know when you are generating revenue and when you’re not. I had a great coach, Tony Alessandra, who I used to sit and make call after call. Some days, I’d be depressed like, “I’m going to starve to death. I’m never going to eat again because I hadn’t sold anything in a day or a week.” He used to say the same thing to me every day, “Did you make all your calls?” I said, “Yes” We had a goal every day. He’s like, “Did you make all your calls?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “Were they good calls?” “Yes.”

He said, “Did you send out everything you were supposed to send out?” “Yes.” “Did you follow up?” “Yes.” He goes, “Then it will come.” He used to say to me all the time, “It will come.” I have to tell you that for a long time, I didn’t believe him, but I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t have anything else to do, so it was like, “I’ll keep doing it.” Invariably, it came, and often in spades, way better than I ever anticipated.

I love that you shared that story. Thank you for doing that. Oftentimes in sales, we use the hunting analogy. We’re going to go hunt. Everything you’re describing is a lot more like farming. You plant the seeds, you nurture the seeds, you water the seeds, and you take care of the seeds. We love that thrill of the hunt in sales. We’re like, “We’re going to go get that sale.” It’s a lot of steady and consistent work to get it.

The same thing with hunting, you can’t go for an hour a day. You got to be hiking through the woods all day, every day looking. The other piece is you have to be skilled with your boomerang, rifle, bow and arrow, or whatever it is. That means there’s practice time.

You can’t just go out and wave at the bushes and hope that things happen.

When I work with people, I do a ton of roleplay. With salespeople, if they hear the word roleplay, the eye rolls. I hear my client calling me, “I got to go.” If you think about any professional sports team, what do they do all week long?

Practice and roleplay.

That’s it. They are practicing all day long for that Saturday, Sunday, and Monday game. They’re looking at films. They’re looking at their performance. They’re saying, “What am I doing well? What am I not doing well? What do I have to improve?” Joe Gibbs is an extraordinary human being. He was the Washington Redskins Coach. He won three Super Bowls. He then goes, “Let’s do NASCAR because it’s the same.” He goes out and I can’t remember how many NASCAR teams he had, 3 or 6. I went to his headquarters in Charlotte, and it was amazing. You could eat off the floors in the garage. They were sanitized with bleach. They were pristine. All the parts were exactly where they were supposed to be.

The facility for the drivers was amazing. While I was in there, I saw this big long list on the wall with the driver’s names on it. I started looking at it. It’s their schedule. It says, “You get up at 6:00 AM and you do the following. You eat the following. You exercise in this way. You then eat this.” It goes all the way to bedtime, and it tells them what time to go to bed. I looked at this, and I’m like, “You tell your drivers what to eat, what time to go to bed, and every single thing they have to do for the entire day?” He’s like, “Yes.” I said, “What if they don’t want to do that?” He said, “Then they don’t have to work here.”

He’s talking about systems and processes. This is what an elite athlete eats. This is how they work out. This is when they rest. It’s everything. For the whole year, it’s laid out. I’m like, “Wow.” We then go into corporate and say, “Let’s roleplay.” “No, I’ll figure out what to say when I get there.” We wonder why we not have good sales calls. Here’s a breakthrough. Are you ready? This will blow everybody’s mind.

I’m ready. Bring it.

Record every sales call. I have my little digital recorder. I want you to know this. We did not plan this, but there it is. It’s at my fingertips at all times. I record everything. I go out on a sales call. I put the recorder down on the table and I say, “Would you mind if I record?” Everybody says they’re fine with it. Why do I record? It’s because we suck at listening. We have this affliction where we want to talk. Mostly, we want to pitch. “Let me tell you how great my product is or how great my company is.” We’re thinking about that. We’re not listening to what they’re saying. Even when we do listen, we’re listening for an opening for me to talk. I’m listening for, “What should I be saying or how can I take what he said and use it against him to sell him something?” or all this other noise in my head like, “If I don’t make this, my sales manager’s going to be on my case.”

What happens is we don’t listen, so I record every sales call. After the sales call, I go back through it. You’ll be blown away by the things you hear. You can’t even imagine the things you hear. You then get to go back and talk to them about the things that are most important to them. Most salespeople are afraid to record. They’re afraid to bring it up. For sure, they’re not going to play the game films for the team, like every professional sports team does every week. That’s how they get great, but we don’t do that because my little tender ego might get damaged by something I said that’s wrong or stupid. It’s the way you learn.

I heard, to track the number of outreaches or touches. Track the face-to-face time that you have with people and stop being afraid of roleplay. Seek it out. Look for ways to study what you’re doing and improve it, including recording your sales calls. Those were three very practical things that any business owner could do who’s reading this. Also, any business owner could have their salespeople do, if they have salespeople, that would significantly improve the performance of their team and accelerate their growth.

You have to invest in salespeople. You’re not going to scale. Your whole deal is how you scale the business. You’re not going to scale if you don’t have a sales team. You just stop. A lot of people say, “You don’t understand the real world. The real world’s all online now.” It’s been online for a while. You can generate leads and you can even make sales online, but at some point, those people want to talk to somebody and you’ve got to have skilled salespeople to do that. To retain memberships or whatever it is, whatever it is you’re doing, there’s a role for sales in there. You’ve got to learn to recruit them, train them, and retain them.

You have to invest in salespeople or you're not going to scale. Share on X

That’s been super helpful. I want to transition because you’re involved in something now that is also exciting. The revenue acceleration expertise that you have is off-the-charts exciting. This Partner Here thing that you’re up to now, I’d love for our audience to learn about that briefly. Tell us what Partner Here is. Why should anybody care? How could they go check it out and get involved? I’d love for them to read that.

This is a huge mindset shift. It’s PartnerHere.com, just like it sounds. What Partner Here is about is alternative methods of compensation. Everybody says, “I want to grow my business. If I get $10 million in investment money, I can start my company or I can grow my company.” The problem is that it’s possible to get $10 million in investment money, but it comes with people who want to stick their fingers in your business, tell you how to do things, breathing down your neck, ask you questions, and demand responses, reports, and meetings. They’re a massive distraction. They want to tell you how to run your business their way, not how to run your business your way.

I’m not a big fan of going out and getting an investment. I’m a big bootstrapper. Almost any idea worth doing, you can bootstrap. The question becomes, “How do you do that without cash?” We say that Partner Here is the best place on the web to start or grow your company without cash. That means you have to get adept at alternative forms of compensation. What are those? The easiest one is equity. You own 100% of your business. What if you are willing to share some part of that? If you’re willing to share it with a partner, then that’s the name, Partner Here. If I have a skillset and you have a skillset like you’re the leadership guy and I’m the sales guy, you and I would be great partners.

EEP 77 | Sales Mindset

Sales Mindset: Almost any idea worth doing you can bootstrap. Partner Here is the best place on the web to start or grow your company without cash.


This goes to what I call the watermelon or the grape. I can own 100% of a grape or I can own 50% of a watermelon, and I can tell you which one I’d rather have for lunch. You and I could build something much bigger and much faster than I’m going to build my little grape business all by myself. If we bring in other partners, then we bring in other skillsets. We could bring in accounting, online marketing, or whatever it is that we need. The biggest and most powerful tool you ever have as a business owner is equity.

You can turn that into a currency.

There are methods for doing that. I’m not recommending you run out and hand out like the producers on Broadway where they sold out 300% of their equity. I don’t recommend going above 100%. How you do that can vary, but equity is a powerful tool. Business owners always say to me, “How do I get my team to act like owners? What’s interesting?”

Make them owners.

Here’s the thing. Because we’re entrepreneurs, we think, “If I work for me, I’d want half the business or I’d want a third of the business.” They are thrilled to have 1% or 0.5% because they’ve never owned anything before. To own a part of it is huge. People will come and do all kinds of things. Equity is one, and there’s a lot of equity strategy, but there’s also success fees. “Come and generate leads for me. If you generate leads that turn into sales, I’ll give you 10% or 20% of the sales.” There are project fees, “I need to get my website up and running, but as soon as it’s up and running, it will be generating revenue. I can pay you a project fee. You build my website or build my software. As soon as it starts generating revenue, I’ll give you some revenue share.” There are a million alternative compensation tools.

They say the unemployment rate is 20%, but it’s a lot higher. It’s close to 50% because they don’t count retirees. They don’t count people who stop looking for work. They don’t count people who are underemployed. If a guy has a $150,000 job as an engineer working for Lockheed, he gets laid off, and he goes to work for Walmart at $10 an hour, they consider him employed, but he’s not. He’s an engineer. He’s got engineering expertise that’s worth a lot of money.

That’s what Partner Here is for. It’s to come and say not just, “I want to hire people and use alternative forms of compensation” but, “I also want to provide goods and services using alternative compensation.” It’s because those are incremental sales to you and because they engage you with other people in the community. The question is, what could you offer to the community that you’d be willing to accept alternative compensation for?

All of that great partnering enablement that you’re doing through that platform goes right back to accelerating growth and enabling growth. You’re a growth guy.

The question for me is always, “Where is the business stuck? What’s the next thing that you need to get you to where you want to go?” We think in terms of money. We say, “I need money to do that.” Almost all the time when I say to people, “What are you going to do with the money? Let’s say you had an investor who gave you $500,000.” They then say, “I’d hire people too.” Why don’t you give them equity and let them do the thing?

You’re giving equity to an investor. Give some or a part of that same equity to the people that you would go use the funds for. They’re going to be way more engaged in the thing anyway, in your business.

They have to believe in the idea. If they don’t believe in it, they’re not going to do it. We’ve done that with Partner Here. Everybody who built it is an owner. It’s a mindset. It’s thinking differently and thinking non-cash to say, “What can I offer in exchange for something else?” Barter is another one. I’ve bartered for all kinds of things. I’ve bartered for cars, treadmills, marketing services, and all kinds of stuff. Whatever it is you don’t have, there’s somebody who’s got too much of it. That includes money.

EEP 77 | Sales Mindset

Sales Mindset: They have to believe in the idea. If they don’t believe in it, they’re not going to do it.


A great way of thinking. Other than going to PartnerHere.com, if our audience wants to learn more about you or connect with you via social, how would they do that?

Would your audience like a free membership to Partner Here, a lifetime membership?

Why don’t you tell them about it? They’d probably love that.

Enroll in Partner Here, sign up, and then it asks you for a coupon or a voucher code. You can put in PARTNERHEREVIP2020 and that will get you a free lifetime membership.

That is super generous. You just invited us to think differently. Not about a coupon code, but about ways that we could build our business, increase our capability, and do all the things that we say we would do if we had the funds. There are ways to do it creatively. You’ve expanded our thinking. You’ve taught us about the value of leading and leading indicator types of activities and sales. You’ve taught us to be students of our own sales activities, record them, study them, watch the film, and get better at roleplay practice.

You’ve taught us that there are ways for us to partner with others to get what we want done without having to involve somebody else who’s going to take a chunk of our money, and then have their fingers in everything that we do, which I’ve seen firsthand. Let me attest to what Rick is sharing. I appreciate your time, Rick. It’s been fabulous to have you on our show. Any last words as we say goodbye to our audience for this episode?

I didn’t want to ignore your question yet. You asked how people get ahold of me. The easiest way is Barrera.com or PartnerHere.com, either one. Easy to find. By the way, I’d love to talk to your entrepreneurs. They don’t have to buy stuff. They just want to talk to me. They can call me up and talk to me. I’d be happy to give them advice, coach them, or help them get unstuck.

If you feel stuck in your business and the challenge is revenue growth, I would take Rick up on that, Barrera.com. You can reach out to me and I’ll connect you to Rick. He’s a fabulous human being and super smart, but he’s all about helping entrepreneurs do their thing and growing what they’re doing. Thanks again, Rick. Everybody reading, please keep reading. We have guests like Rick every week. Not just like Rick, but other great guests every week.

Better guests.

They’re other guests, but they’re all great at what they do. Please like, share, and review. Do all those things so that more people can get the value that we’re bringing to you every week through these episodes. Thanks again and keep reading. We’ll see you next episode.


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