Elite Entrepreneurs Podcast  – A Podcast for Entrepreneurs

If you’re one of the 3-5% of entrepreneurs that’s grown their business to seven figures in revenue, congratulations! You are an ELITE entrepreneur. Few people can say they’ve accomplished what you have. I’m sure that success hasn’t stopped you from wondering: What’s the next step? Getting from six to seven figures is a commendable and extremely difficult feat, but it’s not smooth sailing after you clear the $1 million mark. If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs, you’re probably encountering a host of new problems you’ve never fought through before. Leadership changes, vision changes, and you might find yourself wearing ten hats in a given day. That climb up to $10 million seems insurmountable, right?

Welcome Brett Gilliland, your host of the Elite Entrepreneurs podcast, a podcast for entrepreneurs. Brett Gilliland is Founder and CEO of Elite Entrepreneurs, a company that specializes in giving $1M+ business owners the knowledge, processes and tools to grow to $10M and beyond. Brett is an expert in organization development, leadership and strategy and spent 10 years helping Infusionsoft grow from $7M in revenue to over $100M. Brett was involved in the foundational work of Purpose, Values and Mission at Infusionsoft and facilitated the strategic planning process for many years.

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  Blog Episodes  

From Number Cruncher to FinTech Innovator

From Number Cruncher to FinTech Innovator

Introduction In the fast-paced world of finance, standing out requires more than just a knack for numbers—it demands innovation, strategic thinking, and an unyielding passion for growth. Sheneya Wilson, the vibrant force behind Full of Financial, exemplifies these...

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Pioneering Integrated Tech Solutions for Public

Pioneering Integrated Tech Solutions for Public

Introduction In the bustling tech landscape, standout innovations often come from unexpected corners. Today, we spotlight Lloyd Major, the visionary behind Halo—a tech enterprise that's reshaping public safety. Based in Nottingham, England, Halo is transforming how...

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