Episode 145: A Seven-Figure Business Growth Guru’s Guide To Growing Your Business With Dan Ralphs

It’s time to build a business that excels both financially and in creating an extraordinary workplace. In this episode, we have Dan Ralphs, a 7-figure business growth guru who found Dream Leadership Consulting. Today, Dan shares his journey and how he transformed chaos into clarity, guiding entrepreneurs toward profitability and creating exceptional workplace cultures. Dan shares powerful strategies in leadership, strategy, and culture. Don’t miss out on what a true business growth guru has to say about business growth.


What the podcast will teach you:

  • Proven methods to move from chaos and confusion to clarity and confidence.
  • Strategies for building wildly profitable businesses that are also great places to work.
  • The power of intentional thinking and pausing for reflection.
  • How to involve your team as co-creators and foster a sense of ownership.
  • Demanding excellent thinking and the value of disciplined decision-making.
  • Maintaining the right level of conversation and avoiding getting stuck in the day-to-day.
  • The value of fresh perspectives and external facilitators.
  • Dan’s strategy for elevating your business planning process.



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I’m here with a very special guest, which is often the case. I feel very spoiled. I always have amazing guests on this show. Usually, we’ve got seven-figure business owners who are sharing their in-the-trenches experience, and their real insights from real founders kind of a thing. I love those episodes. I’m especially excited because I have someone with me who not only is a close friend of mine but who has spent hours and days in the trenches with those seven-figure business owners teaching and coaching them. His name is Dan Ralphs. Welcome to the show, Dan. I’m going to share a little bit more about you before you chime in and tell us about that.

Dan has spent years working with small business owners. I know because most of that time, he spent with me, or I’ve watched him do it. He’s moving them from chaos and confusion to clarity and confidence. As part of a leadership development team that both of us were together on, the company we were serving was on the Inc. 500 list and Great Places to Work at the same time. Dan builds those types of companies. He helps business owners build those types of companies. The kinds of companies that are not only wildly profitable but also great places to work.

Dan is the Founder and CEO of Dream Leadership Consulting. He’s based in the desert here in Gilbert, Arizona, where I’m based as well. As the Founder of that company, Dan is a seven-figure business growth guru who’s helped hundreds of companies on their journey from 7 to 8 figures. His expertise lies in the area of strategy, leadership, and culture. I mentioned how together we worked on a team where we were helping to build a company that was on the Inc. 500 and Great Places to Work list at the same time. Dan does emphasize building companies that are both wildly profitable and amazing places to work for those team members that are part of creating those companies. I’ve blabbed on enough. Dan, let me officially welcome you to the show, and let’s hear from you.

Thank you. For some reason, I have this story popping into my head. I know I’ve probably shared this with you before. I once had the chance to introduce Stephen Covey, the leadership guru of gurus. I was at this conference. I was the one who prepared this five-page bio in advance. You took that bio and you crafted it into this beautiful five-minute. I was ready to get hired by Stephen Covey on the spot to be his official herald. I walk up to him before the meeting. I go, “Dr. Covey, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m going to be doing your introduction today.”

He goes, “I hate those things. Just tell them that I love my family.” I feel the same way. Whenever I hear someone give me some flowery introduction before I say anything, I always feel like, “I hate those things. Can’t we just base the quality of the conversation based on the quality of ideas, not necessarily on who’s saying them?” I’m excited to be here more on the story. Thank you for the introduction. I can’t wait to talk about small business growth with you.

For the rest of Ralphs’s family who are listening to this, now you know your dad.

Those who probably need my bio are my teenagers. They’re like, “Your dad is amazing,” and they’re like, “I need to be convinced. Tell me more.”

Dan and I have known each other for a long time. Hopefully, this should feel pretty fluid as we’re talking. Dan and I have swum in similar circles, and we know many of the same people.

I feel like I should give you an introduction. Who gives you an introduction?

We’re not doing that. This is my show, so we’re not doing an introduction. Dan and I have worked together for a long time, many years. We have served the same customers many times, including right now. We have members of our elite community who Dan helps personally with their planning. I want to start there. We might go in other directions, but I was pleased to hear that this customer or this member of our top tier elite circle members, this is our highest group, spends some time every quarter or every month talking with Dan as a coach. We have this product where some of our members can get additional hands-on help.

This member gets help from Dan and has been doing quarterly and annual planning with his leadership team. As an intact team, they’ve been doing this for years now. They’ve been long members of our community. They have been doing great annual and quarterly planning for years. It surprised me to hear this member say to me, “When Dan started helping us with planning, it was a little bit challenging at first because I was used to it a certain way. I was used to running things.”

I don’t know. Maybe he hadn’t done much pre-work in advance to make that go, but then he showed up and did it. It was a little hard that first meeting. He told me that the second meeting that you guys had was the best planning meeting they’ve ever had. What I would love to dig into with you is what you think made the difference for him. Here’s a guy who has done annual and quarterly planning for years. I don’t know how many in our audience can say, “I’m a master at planning,” but this guy could say, “I’m at least an expert at that.”

He would’ve been in the top 5% of small businesses easily in his consistency in quality planning.

That’s a great way to characterize it. Top 5% easily in consistency in quality of planning. That’s what he was. Yet somehow, with your help, there was an additional level of value that caused him to go, “That was the best planning we’ve ever done.” I talked to him recently and he told me that they wrapped up the quarter in an amazing fashion on both the operational side of things and the priority work. The planning and moving the business forward work that you help them with. I want to tease that apart a little bit and see if you have any insights as the facilitator and as the coach. What unlocked a new level of greatness in planning for this business owner and his team?

First of all, I’m such a huge fan of the quarterly and annual planning rhythm which you taught me. It is this rhythm of saying every quarter, we push pause on our business. We zoom way out and say, “What’s the most important work we can do in our business right now?” I tell people that there’s nothing super magical about it. It just makes sense, but it’s so often not done well, or it’s not done at all. It’s so hard to lose as a business owner if every quarter you pause, it is difficult. It is like, “I’m playing chess and a hard-thinking way of doing it.” As hard as you can, you think about out of all of the millions of things we could do for this business, what are the three most important things we could do?

You then go do those three things every quarter to make the business better. It’s impossible not to get better. You have to be dumb or bad. It seems impossible to me that you would somehow miss and not make progress in your business if you do that. For those tuning in, if you don’t yet have that rhythm of prioritization in your business, go put it in place today. Schedule it. Go figure it out. Part of the reason I say that is the other thing that I’ve noticed that happened, maybe you’ve seen this phenomenon too, is that it takes about 90 days for my best-laid plans to be laid to waste. It takes about that long for the business to feel chaotic, get crazy again, and for it to come apart.

I then get organized and I tidy up my office. My garage takes about 90 days to go from totally clean to totally messy. I clean it again, and then 90 days later, it’s a complete mess again. That’s the same way in a business. It’s the nature of business. It tends to unravel and unwind. It’s not answering your original question. It’s just me promoting and saying, “We love this process.” I say probably more of these than anyone I know. I’m probably in at least 4 or 5 quarterly planning meetings facilitating per quarter.

They are two-day sessions.

It’s a lot, but I love it. I love that moment of creation where we dig in and we dive in. Let me see if I can unpack.

Before you answer the question, I love that you’ve set this up the way that you have. I love everything you say. I love you as a teacher. You talk about hitting pause. That right there is one of the biggest game changers for business owners who figure it out. That’s the difference maker between those who do and those who don’t. It’s the ones who stop the chaos long enough to reassess, think, and step back. The vast majority don’t and won’t. That is what it is. For those who want to grow something meaningfully and intentionally, it is absolutely required. I love the way that you set that up.

It would be a little bit like a basketball team without a coach. It’s the difference between street ball and formal basketball. The street ball may have a lot of talent and a lot put in a lot of effort, but a well-organized strategic game plan will beat the street ballers every time. That’s how I feel about it. It’s putting that structure in place that allows you to win. Let me see if I can identify this, having done this a lot of times. For those of you who are tuning in and trying to do it, what are some things that they can stand out from the traditional framework? The reason someone who’s done it a hundred times, why he’s getting additional benefits is first this. I recognize the quarterly planning process.

If I’m the small business area and I’m entering into it, traditionally, the way that planning has happened is I sit down and go, “What are my ideas?” We then go implement my ideas. That’s historically what you’ve done. If you’ve been in business for 17 years, you’ve probably done it at least that way for 15 of those 17 years. We have to transition, especially if we’re a little bit bigger and we’re starting to have a forming leadership team where you have a director of marketing and maybe a director of operations, and you have this leadership team. The transition that has to happen is we have to transition from a single leader making decisions to a team of leaders making decisions. That transition from an individual making decisions to a group of people making decisions is an important transition.

EEP 145 | Business Growth

Business Growth: That transition from an individual making decisions to a group of people making decisions is really important.


Doesn’t that slow it down? That’s a concern. I’m trying to represent.

It slows it down. What is the old saying, “Go slow to go fast?” During the meeting, it goes slowly. The max I’ve had in a quarterly planning meeting is 12 or 13 people. The more people, the slower it goes. We’re okay with that because we understand if we can have an owner-level buy-in from whoever is sitting in that room. By the way, it’s not just executives or directors. Sometimes we’ll invite the whole team to that meeting because we want everyone’s full buy-in on the plan of how we’re going to grow the company.

At some point, you can’t invite the whole team because it’s too big. We might invite the 10-person team. We might invite the whole team to sit in on that meeting. As you gain that buy-in, all of a sudden, everything gets easier because everyone is growing in the same direction, making similar decisions. The first thing we recognize is we’re trying to transition from a single owner making decisions to a group of owners making decisions. That’s a hard thing to relinquish if you haven’t had that moment yet for you as a business owner to say, “This is an our-thing, not a my-thing.”

Once you do make it our thing, now all the problems get shared as well. All of the goals and all of the driving efforts get shared as well. There come moments when the team is calling you and pulling you forward, instead of you always feeling you’re pulling the team forward. That’s the primary transition that we make. That happened with this example as well. It’s not that they weren’t making group decisions. What we demanded is that the players on the team were playing as hard and in a way that equaled our coach. When that happens, everything transitions. Everything changes.

I often do it on this show. I’ll underscore key lessons that I heard. The key lesson here is that a co-created outcome is infinitely more valuable, more effective, and more impact than the lone leader making the decision and trying to get everybody else to help plan and how to get to that decision.

The question becomes, how do you do that? There’s a little bit of an identity moment. What I mean by that is that in most of the small businesses I work with, the people who are sitting in their seats, it’s the first time they’ve led in a big way. It’s the first time they’ve been a director of anything, or a chief marketing officer of this, or a sales director, or whatever seat they’re in. It’s not always but often, it’s the first time they’ve ever been in a seat like that before. This is the same group that I was talking about that had this big step forward. They did something that was really cool. The CEO said, “We are trying to live into our future,” and this is a blue-collar service business. There are tough old blue-collar guys with beards and beer bellies. I shouldn’t say that a lot, but a little bit.

At the end of the day, they said, “We’re going to wear suit coats to our meeting. All of us. Prepare a suit coat or a dress. We’re expecting you to show up in business attire, not business casual but business attire for the planning meeting. They would never wear it on any other day of the year, never. That day, they’re all showing up with jackets. They walked into the meeting and it was a nice meeting room. They looked like the leadership team of a $40 million company instead of the leadership team of an $8 million company or $9 million company. I told him later, “I think that was important,” because those leaders all of a sudden looked at themselves differently. They saw themselves not as a technician but as a director of an important position in a company.

As the facilitator, I’m often saying things like, “Usually, people don’t get invited to meetings. People like, you don’t get invited to meetings like this. We’re calling you up to be a different type of person. We’re inviting you to be strategic thinking, numbers-crunching, and analysis guru for your company. We need you to live with that person. We’re going to treat you that way. We’re going to see you that way. We’re going to invite you into that level of leadership.” As leaders, we have to do our best to help people identify with that possibility of that’s who they want to be and who they are. As that happens, they show up differently, not only in that meeting but for the rest of the year, because they see themselves as something different.

As leaders, we have to do our best to help people identify with that possibility of who they want to be and who they are. Click To Tweet

There’s an identity shift where you’re taking otherwise good and smart people. They are willing to show up and do good work, but very focused on their own role and the perspective of their role or their function. You’re bringing them into a space that’s more company-wide view, and understanding strategy. The lens is different. The view is higher. It’s more complete. You’re enrolling them in co-creating a future with that team that now they’re a part of that they can see in a different way.

My dad was a butcher and my mom was a schoolteacher. The first time I heard, “He’s a million-dollar CEO,” that was otherworldly cool to me. I was like, “He must be so fancy.” As my buddy once said, “Being a CEO is a little bit like riding a tiger.” As you go through town, everyone looks at you and goes, “Wow, he’s riding a tiger.” If you’re on the top of a tiger, you’re like, “Oh no, I’m riding a tiger.” I thought that way about CEOs. They’re riding this tiger. At the end of the day, it takes me a long time to feel I belong there. As long as I was feeling self-conscious about whether or not I belonged there, I didn’t give my full self.

I was always hesitant, nervous, and anxious. As in any endeavor in life, when we’re hesitant, nervous, and anxious, we’re holding back. We don’t give our best selves. As we transition them to go, “You belong here, we’re going to treat you like you belong here. We’re going to play full out. This isn’t going to be my decision as a CEO that I just handed to you. This is going to be our decision. We don’t know what that outcome will be. If you don’t put in full effort, we won’t get a great outcome.” As I begin to identify that I belong here, this is my meeting, and this is my company, all of a sudden, that sinks in this identity of I own it and I belong at the leadership table. I better operate that way and act that way.

We started out saying if they’ll do this one thing, pause every quarter, and do a little bit of intentional thinking and planning, they will see progress. That’s true. If you want this accelerant effect or this multiplying effect, you enroll people into a new sense of identity and belonging on this team. This is the team that’s going to come together, make decisions, and move us in the direction together. That takes that to a whole new level.

Agreed. Great summary.

What else did you find? They’d been doing planning a lot. You helped them with some of this identity work. Was there anything else like maybe adjustments or tweaks or maybe brand new things altogether that helped them?

The second principle that I would suggest is a disciplined demand for excellent thinking. It’s sometimes helpful to have someone outside of your group to be that demander of excellent thinking. Someone from outside your group to come and ask questions you guys haven’t traditionally thought of. My role as a facilitator is to come in and go, “What about this? What about that? How about this?” I ask a ton of questions. One of the things I demand from the groups that I work with is excellent thinking. They need to be able to justify and give rationale and reasoning behind the way that they’re approaching it and the way that they’re approaching it.

EEP 145 | Business Growth

Business Growth: Demand excellent thinking. They need to be able to justify and give rationale and reasoning behind the way that they’re approaching it and why they’re approaching it.


I sometimes will linger on a question longer than most groups feel comfortable because I don’t feel like we’ve had excellent thinking around it yet. I think about it a little bit like a chess game. I’m not a very good chess player, but I’ll periodically play my kids in chess to make myself feel smarter. They’re old enough to beat me, so it doesn’t help me as much anymore. I’ll play chess and the reason I would win is I would take longer and be more methodical in my thinking. Because I took longer and was more methodical in my thinking, not that I was smarter than my kids, I would win. It’s because I would be more disciplined in my thinking.

In a similar way, when we’re in a leadership meeting, we have to be willing to be very disciplined and committed to working through the thought process of our business in a way that takes a long time of discipline and committed thought. That’s probably the second accelerant. The second recommendation is to discipline yourself and push your group to be disciplined and their thinking. The practical application of that is we ask lots of questions. We ask it in five different ways.

We ask about our competitors. We ask about ourselves. We compare our competitors with ourselves. We look across every department in the company, whether it’s marketing, sales, fulfillment, or finance. We look at the side horizontally. We look up and down. We go deep into finance, marketing, and sales. We are willing to think about each detail of the company, and we’re willing to endure the effort of putting in all that thought. That’s what makes a big difference, I think.

Dan, you and I have a lot in common. We call it a man crush. One of our very favorite common man-crush is a guy by the name of Tyler Norton. I can hear Tyler talking about the difference between business owners who do all the things that we’re all wanting to do and those who don’t. It comes down to critical thinking. He would use the term critical thinking. I think you’ve used that once or twice here. To critically think is a muscle many of us don’t exercise. It’s related to pushing pause on the business. We’re so into the things we already know that we don’t stop long enough and think. For you to come in as a facilitator and push and test their critical thinking skills is super valuable.

The good news is we can get better, and we’ll get better at it with practice. I worked with a company. It’s been four years. This year will be my fourth year doing their annual planning meetings. When I first showed up, they were a group of 22, 23, 25-year-old kids with a 40-year-old CEO. They were a young company. Everyone there was brand new. The level of thinking to start was like me playing chess with my kids. It was like, “How cute.” It’s nice that they’re trying it out. They’re learning the discipline of moving the pieces around the board. Four years later, I would put them up against any company that I work with. They’re not old. They’re still so young.

The good news is we can get better at critical thinking and we'll get better at it with practice. Click To Tweet

Their entire executive team, minus their CEO, is all under 30 years old. They’re good. They’re tough. They are thinking in deep and critical ways about their business, but it takes practice. If every time you go into a quarterly planning meeting, it doesn’t feel like you’re lifting a heavier weight than the one you lifted the last time, then we’re not going to be making the progress we need to. That’s what I told this group, “We got a PR this time. We got even to set a better record of the quality of our thinking this time than we did last time.”

I love that. When I think about improving my planning, it’s one thing to be willing to engage in this critical thinking. It’s another to have structure. We’re not going to spend any time on structure here. You’ll see improvement if you make some space and think. I believe honestly that engaging in thinking will help you come up with things that you wouldn’t have otherwise. There are processes. There is a structure that can help you organize your thinking. Facilitate exercising those muscles.

Whether you learn that from us at Elite Entrepreneurs or you hire an external facilitator like Dan to come in and help you, I highly recommend people get some structure. There’s consistency and rhythm. There’s critical thinking. There’s the co-creative nature of involving the whole team as owners to make this happen. Follow a structure. Make sure that’s part of how you get this good critical thinking as a team.

I talk about elevations in business where it’s the daily, weekly, monthly, and annual. What will happen is the tendency is there. There’s a gravitational pull toward the daily conversation. If you don’t have some disciplined structure around the way we’re going to organize and have this conversation, the tendency will be that it devolves into what we do tomorrow. That’s where we spend all our time. That’s where all our focus is there. You have to have some disciplined structure around, “We’re going to keep this conversation at an elevation of an annual level or a quarterly level conversation.”

EEP 145 | Business Growth

Business Growth: If you don’t have some discipline structure around the way we’re going to organize and have this conversation, the tendency will be that it devolves into what we do tomorrow.


You’ve probably been in meetings like this where it’s like, “Let’s have this great annual planning meeting,” and the next thing you know, you’re planning your company party for this weekend. It’s like, “No, we need to keep at this tier of conversation.” One of my jobs as a facilitator is to make sure that we stay at that right level of conversation, and that we never allow ourselves to dip too far into the weeds where we are constantly trying to stay above at the right elevation as we’re having those conversations.

Give a quick tip or two to business owners who want to keep the level of conversation where it ought to be in those meetings, but have team members bring stuff up and try to stick to the wrong level. What would you have them do? If they don’t have a facilitator like you helping them out, how can they cut that off? How can they redirect?

The simplest way is we create something that we call the bin. It’s a big piece of paper on the wall. We write bin at the top. Every time something comes up, it’s like, “We need to remember to do this. We forgot to turn off the thing,” or whatever it is that shows up in the middle of that meeting. When you’re thinking, at this level, you’ll often see things like, “We should go do this. That’s a great thing. We should try it.” We need a place to put it in. We put it on this wall. We call it the bin and we write it down. There’s a list of twenty things at the end, and then we have somebody take that archive in, and it shows up in another meeting later on. It’s a simple little place to put it. As a facilitator, that’s my way of going, “I like that. Thank you. We’re not going to lose that thought, but we’re also not going to spend time on that thought as we move things forward.”

I love that practice. I don’t know that I’ve heard it called the bin. That’s a new one.

What do you call it?

A parking lot. Whatever you call it. It’s a place for those ideas to sit and not get lost so that the person sharing the idea doesn’t feel unheard or undervalued like, “That is a good idea. It’s just the wrong time and place for it. Let’s capture it here so we can keep moving on this level of conversation.”

It’s a subtle way as you walk over and right at the bin for you to say, “That’s not where we need to be right now.”

I think we have time. If you have one off the top of your head, one more key thing that you’ve seen has elevated this team’s planning from, “We were doing a solid job of planning to now I feel like we’re doing world-class stuff.”

It’s probably the last bit of thinking around this. Honestly, I’m thinking of this up on the fly. I’m like, “What is it that makes a big difference?” The last bit of thinking on this is probably the difference that was made by having a facilitator. I know that sounds a little self-serving, but I do think there’s something powerful in having some external perspective in the room that hasn’t been living and breathing in the day-to-day. It’s like some odor commercial that said you become nose blind where you can’t tell what smells in your business.

There is something really powerful in having some external perspective in the room from someone that hasn't been living and breathing in the day-to-day. Click To Tweet

Finding and identifying someone outside of your company that can come to help you notice where you’re nose blind can be helpful. Whether that’s a board of advisors or whether you inviting your spouse into the meeting. I’ve seen that happen where an owner will say, “You’re part owner of this, honey, why don’t you come to sit in this quarterly planning meeting and tell us what we’re not seeing?” I’ve seen good benefits from that relationship.

Finding someone that can help you see the business in a whole new or brand new way is probably one of the things that they’ve gotten a lot of benefits from. That’s not necessarily saying I’m fantastic. It’s just I’m new and I’m different. I haven’t been smelling those same smells for the last ten years. I can look at something and be like, “I know that may seem normal to you, but that’s not normal and healthy. As a result of that, you need to make some changes.”

I hope most companies who are tuning in have some person like that in their business. It can be especially helpful in that leadership planning meeting when people are making some big decisions to say, “That is the normal way of something happening, but that’s is not the normal way. That’s not what it should look like.” To have that purse of doctors sitting outside on your quarterly checkup is probably healthy.

We have another shared friend. Her name is Stephanie. She uses the phrase, “Fresh eyes.” Somebody can come in with fresh eyes and see something completely different. It’s not to challenge your assumptions or to push you, but to bring in a different perspective.

I would say yes to challenge your assumptions and yes to push you.

I said that differently. I would say it’s valuable without challenging your assumptions and pushing you, It’s valuable just to have a fresh perspective. If you have somebody who’s capable of testing your assumptions and pushing on your thoughts, that’s even better. This has been packed full of goodness, Dan. I told you before we started that I could talk with you for hours. You have a world of knowledge around this.

As I was doing the math, you said 4 to 5 of these every quarter that you’re facilitating. The best leaders I know do this once a quarter. That’s it. They do it 4 times a year, 3 quarterly and 1 annual. The best leaders I know do this 4 times a year. You’re involved in 4 or 5 of these a quarter, which means you’re doing 15 to 20 of these a year. We were talking before the show, even 15 of those two days a piece, you’re doing a full month of this every single year.

Some of you are like, “You poor man,” but it’s weird. I love it. I love the process. I love the dialogue. I love creating something that will have a big impact on the companies that I get to serve. For me, I love it.

Whether or not somebody ever reaches out to you to say, “Dan, what would it take to help? You come to help us do this.” I would love for them to at least be able to follow you somewhere on LinkedIn, on social, or go to a website. How would people connect with you?

If you want to reach out to me, find me on LinkedIn, Dan Ralphs. Shoot me a message. I monitor that pretty carefully. I would love to connect with you and help you however I can. I’m compulsively helpful.

You are compulsively helpful. I love that about you.

As much as I can help, the happier I am. If there’s something I can do to serve, let me know.

Dan, it’s been a pleasure to have you as a more formal guest on our show, but you’ve been a longtime friend of Elite Entrepreneurs. I hope that continues for many years to come. Thanks for sharing your insight. For anybody who’s tuned in, there are very practical takeaways for how to level up in your planning and your intentionality. Your business will benefit if you’ll hit that pause button, as Dan said.

Do some of that critical thinking. Exercise those critical thinking muscles. Make sure the team gets involved, and co-create with them. I highlighted a few of the things that he shared. You will see marked improvements. Thanks for tuning in. Tune in again next time. Share, like, and do all those things so that as many seven-figure business owners as possible get the benefit of these episodes that we’re putting out. Thanks again. We’ll see you soon.


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About Dan Ralphs

EEP 145 | Business GrowthDan has spent years working with small business owners, helping them to move from chaos and confusion to clarity and confidence. As a part of the leadership development team at Infusionsoft, a company that was on both the Inc 500 and Great Places to Work lists at the same time. Dan, helps build these kinds of companies. The kinds of companies that not only are wildly profitable but also are great places to work. Dan currently is the Founder/CEO of Dream Leadership Consulting based in Gilbert, AZ.

As the Founder of Dream Leadership Consulting, Dan is a 7-figure business growth guru, who has helped hundreds of companies on their journey from 7-8 figures. His expertise lies in the areas of strategy, leadership and culture. As a part of the leadership development team at Infusionsoft, he helped build a company that was on both the Inc 500 and Great Places to Work lists at the same time. Dan, helps build these kinds of companies. The kinds of companies that not only are wildly profitable but also are amazing places to work.



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