Keep Your Employees on Track With the Vision
things can easily slip through the cracks. So how do you keep your team on track?
If your business and employees haven’t engaged in a meaningful goal setting exercise yet, now is the time. Keep reading to learn why vision and shared objectives can improve your business’ dynamics and productivity.
Why Is Building a High-Performing Team So Important?
At some point in our lives, everyone has been on a dysfunctional team. Whether it was for a third-grade class project or at your last job, you can probably remember the frustration you felt. Someone was unpredictable and failed to communicate with the rest of the team. There might have been a leadership vacuum. You might not have had clearly articulated objectives. Regardless, there were serious disconnects that made reaching your goals difficult (if not impossible).
High-performing teams don’t just magically materialize. Instead, you need to consciously build organizations with clearly-set goals and the right team members. While every high-performing team is unique, they do have some common characteristics.
- Strong communication skills
- Mutual respect for their opinions and insights
- Expertise in their field
- A desire to learn and grow
- Discipline and resilience
- A shared purpose or vision
- Clearly-identified personal goals and objectives
When you have high-performing teams and leadership in your business, the impact is palpable. Your employees are engaged and motivated. They understand their roles and have the tools to effectuate their goals.
Goal Setting Is the Foundation of Your Business’ Success
In goal setting theory, numerous studies have shown that setting clearly-stated workplace goals boosted employee performance by up to 25 percent.
And while all goals are great, employees seemed to thrive when they had lofty goals and the tools to attain them. These challenging goals give team members purpose and drive. They’re more willing to dig in when a difficult task is linked to a greater purpose or objective.
When everyone at your workplace is engaged and productive, growth is almost inevitable. According to one study, when your business’ top leadership is working towards a shared vision or goal, it’s almost twice as likely to have above-average financial performance.
Get Your Goal Into Focus
Before you task your employees with goal setting, take some time to assess your company’s overarching goals. You might even create a strategic plan and get clear on your Vision: Purpose, Values and Mission. Then, educate your team about this vision, outline your attainment strategy, and create tollgates or checkpoints where you share your business’ progress.
Work with your employees to set goals and get on the same page. When you have your team create a detailed plan, outlining both your goals and how you’re going to get there, you increase the likelihood that your team members will achieve those goals.
Having a written plan can also provide both you and your team peace of mind. Instead of worrying about whether everyone will remember the company’s goals, you and each employee can focus on actually getting tasks done.
Make Sure Your Team’s Goals Connect With the Vision
Did you know that less than half of employees are familiar with their company’s goals and strategies? If your employees don’t understand the role they play on your team, chances are they won’t be very successful or engaged.
Team leaders are busy, we know. You may not have time everyday or even only a short amount of time everyday to talk to your employees. Make that time count! Talk to your team about the future of the company, and where they fit in to the overall vision. Not only will this help you achieve your goals, but it will also help you retain your employees.
Work to have one on one time with each employee every week. Schedule the time and set it aside for them. This shows how important they are to you. This one on one time allows you to connect on a deeper level, hear their concerns, communicate Vision and allow them to express their voice. This brings about shared Vision and ownership in their role.
Build Systems That Encourage Accountability and Empower Personal Development
Strategic Goals paired with Vision (Purpose, Values and Mission) are worthless unless employees have the tools and space to attain them. This doesn’t mean you have to micromanage each employee. Instead, set tollgates where your management team checks in and encourages progress. At these one on one meetings with your employees, you should:
- Track goal-related metrics
- Identify personal and organizational barriers that delayed progress
- Create action plans that address these barriers
Don’t consider these meetings as a top-down status meeting. Instead, goal check-ins should be collaborative, candid, and respectful. You’re not passing out stickers to five-year-olds who completed their chore chart for the week — you’re asking talented adults to push themselves to their next level professionally.
This means that goal-setting also has to be agile. As your business develops, team members might have previously untapped interests and talents. When necessary, encourage your employees to refine and revise their goals rather than give up on them.
You’ll also need to take some constructive criticism. You might discover at these meetings that your organization isn’t giving team members enough space or tools to meet their goals. You might have team members that are in the wrong role or that need leadership coaching. As an effective business leader, you’ll need to process this information and make adjustments for the greater good.
Do you need help with goal setting, organizational development, and coaching? We would love to hear from you and help you build a plan for your business’ success.
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