The Curse of Knowledge

The most important responsibility you have as a business owner is to Set the Vision. Your Vision is the combination of your Purpose, Values and Mission. The Purpose and Values are at the core of everything your business does and the Mission is the destination that...

Business Process Development Steps

There are certain milestones businesses universally go through as they scale, regardless of what industry they operate in. On the journey from six figures to seven, you probably realized the importance of getting a team in place to help your business continue to grow....

Good Succession Planning

One of the most important things many business owners fail to prepare for is their eventual exit from the business. Whether due to retirement, transfer of ownership, or an unexpected life event, good succession planning is crucial for ensuring that your business...

Successful Habits and the Science of Change

Many of us think of New Year’s as a time for reflection and setting new resolutions — where we look back at where we’ve been and the lessons we’ve learned, and then look forward and plan for the future we hope to achieve. We promise ourselves to set successful habits...

Auto Draft

Auto Draft One of the biggest challenges of growing a 7-figure business is that the mindsets to get to $1M in revenue are completely different than the mindsets you must have to get to $10M+. There are five related but distinct mindsets that are different for the $10M...

Auto Draft

Auto Draft As a kid I LOVED to go fishing!  I loved everything about it… the anticipation leading up to a planned fishing trip, figuring out the best way to attract the fish, but most of all the thrill of having a fish on the line.  I would happily spend hours fishing...