Elite Mastermind Entrepreneur coaching

Elite Mastermind

Masterminds are only ⅓ of what you need to stop carrying the business alone…

You probably carry your business on your back, and you’re getting tired of it.

That’s why Mastermind groups like our Elite Mastermind are a great start. Our community of 7-figure business owners are serious about growing to 8-figures and beyond: 



You surround yourself with great people working on similar goals


You set aside time to get clear about what is most important to you and your business


You get great ideas and valuable connections for your business. 

Sounds great, doesn’t it? But if you’re experienced with Mastermind groups, you know that there’s something missing.

The problem with Masterminds …

There are two crucial components that are missing: 

First, you need a solid foundation and process that your entire team can plug into, align through, and learn from. We call that a methodology. Without that foundational methodology, you are still carrying the business alone.

Second, like all top performers in their field, you need a coach. Like all of us, you need help to set the right goals and you need someone to hold you accountable for building your business. A great coach can see things you can’t see and help you level up.

Elite Mastermind Entrepreneur coaching

… And the solution in which the 3 components work together


Imagine having a simple process that can be learned and repeated to regularly align your team so they begin to carry the load with you. Imagine a process that gets them as excited to grow the business as you are. So they pick up the torch and run with it… in the right direction! 

That is one of the many things we help you master in the Elite programs. 

And that is the mastermind you should be a part of. 

You will no longer be alone. Your work will become even more fun and rewarding. And you will see that you can lead your aligned and leveled-up team well past $10 million.

This is what we have put together and the members of our community love it. 

Hundreds of businesses have benefited from working with Elite. 

Come and see why.

“In the Elite Mastermind there was a lot of power about standing in front of a room in front of 5 business owners with businesses ranging from $3,000,000 to $10,000,000 and getting direct feedback on a current challenge.”

Riche Fettke
Real Wealth Network

An Exclusive Group with Access to Proven Mentors and Peers

Elite Mastermind is an exclusive program for 10-12 high-powered $3M+ business owners who work together in an high-trust, low filter environment to solve their most challenging business problems under the guidance of entrepreneurs who have grown their businesses to $100M+ from scratch.

Clate Mask

Co-Founder & CEO, Infusionsoft,
Co-founder & Advisor, Elite Entrepreneurs

Brett Gilliland

CEO and Co-Founder of Elite Entrepreneurs

When you join Elite Mastermind, you belong to a tight-knit group of entrepreneurs who are learning together what it takes to grow a business to $10M and beyond. The Elite programs have transformed businesses like yours into multi-million dollar companies with capable and confident leaders. The path to get where you want to go begins with:

1. Filling out an application and selecting Elite Mastermind

2. Attending our foundational elite forum event

3. Accessing Elite Momentum member benefits

(Included with Mastermind membership)

4. Actively Participating in our Elite Mastermind events

(all-in commitment)
“The information exchanged was valuable, focused, and applicable to the business in the hot seat and those not in the hot seat. Clate being present was amazing.”

Tara Ransbury
Aviation Performance solutions

We’ve helped hundreds of business owners like you learn what it takes to grow their 7-figure businesses. We often hear stories of doubling, tripling or even QUADRUPLING in revenue over a few years.

Here are just a few examples:

It is life changing every time. This is such a great opportunity to get feedback from great minds.

Eric Sparrow
CEO of Milkhouse Candles

It is second to none as a Mastermind Program.

Sean Greeley
CEO of NPE (Net Profit Explosion)

Still one of the most consistently amazing experiences of my professional life! It is one of the few places where I can be totally open about my challenges as a CEO.

Stephanie Holmes-Winton
CEO of The Money Finder