Overcome the Plateau
Every 7-Figure Business Owner Faces

Get Access to the Elite Foundational Tools
For Immediate Results over 3 Days of Training

Access our Elite Foundational Tools & Training


Watch the 3 training and complete the 3 assignments

Enjoy immediate improvement and address the next challenge

Does your team sound like this?

They seem to be doing things in direct opposition to what you are trying to create.
You never see the entire team excited about the direction you are headed
Individual self interest seems to win over company interest far too often.
Meetings feel aimless…like herding cats.
Rarely are ideas coming from the team to achieve what you most care about.

Fortunately, once you learn to “Shift Gears,” that will change.

​Get Results Like This One

“Working with Elite has been the best investment we have ever made inside of our company. We came into our work with Elite with revenue just above 1 Million and shortly afterward we made it to 3 Million. I know that it’s the training and education from Elite Entrepreneurs, there’s no way we’d be able to do the things that we’re doing without the help they provide.”




Bill Harney, CEO, Keeping Current Matters


​You’ll Need the Skill of ‘Shifting Gears’
In Your Business to Grow Past 7-Figures

Few $1 million business owners understand how to build thriving teams that power the business forward.

In fact, most $1 million are the engine of the business, and the team around them usually includes a few outstanding individual performers, but the team itself usually does not power the business forward.

The result is the business doesn’t grow and the 7-figure business owner feels trapped. Often there are serious costs to the business, relationships, and health.

Sound familiar?

It doesn’t have to be.

Virtually every $100 million entrepreneur has solved this challenge.

They understand how to get the most out of their people and create teams that can power the business forward.

In this preview of our Elite Ignition program, we will give you foundational tools over 3 days of training. These are 3 short training videos with 3 crucial assignments.

The result is you should come away with immediate progress in your business.

The cost is $49 for this special introductory training.

What would a 300% productivity shift do for your business?

We at Elite Entrepreneurs have spent 25 years studying and implementing into our own businesses and into hundreds of other businesses some of the gems we have learned.

We have seen the lights come on for so many teams, the numbers improve, and the excitement builds.

In our Shifting Gears training you will learn the first step needed to double your business through the power of your team without burning yourself out.

get access to our foundational tools and video training so that we can work together to get you results over the next three days.

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