Episode 168: Sustaining Business Vision: How Rob Rawson Pioneered Remote Leadership And Grew Time Doctor To Eight Figures


In our latest episode, we explore the remarkable journey of a business owner who expertly navigated the challenges of building and scaling a remote team. Our guest, Rob Rawson, a co-author of the book Running Remote, shares invaluable insights into the transitions and transformations required to grow a business from seven to eight figures. Tune in to hear how they managed the intricacies of remote work long before it became the norm during the pandemic. Discover the strategies they employed to hire and structure a high-performing leadership team, the lessons learned from trial and error, and the importance of clarity and intentional communication in a remote setting. This episode is packed with practical advice for any business owner looking to scale efficiently and effectively while maintaining a cohesive and motivated team.


What the podcast will teach you:

  • Defining success metrics and desired qualities for roles before hiring
  • Hiring to replace yourself and free up your time for strategic tasks
  • Delegating tasks and relinquishing control to empower your team
  • Reinforcing company vision, values, and goals regularly to maintain a sense of purpose and connection
  • Over-communicating, especially in a remote setting, to avoid feelings of disconnection



Watch the episode here


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Sustaining Business Vision: How Rob Rawson Pioneered Remote Leadership And Grew Time Doctor To Eight Figures

Welcome, everyone, to another episode of the show. Every single week, we get to bring another amazing guest, somebody who’s been there and done that when it comes to the seven-figure growth journey. We are excited to bring another amazing guest. Let me welcome Rob Rawson to the show.


Rob, thank you for being on the show.

It’s awesome to chat with you.


I need to tell everybody who you are, so let me share. Rob is a trained medical doctor, but several years ago, he started a company called Time Doctor. He has 130-some-odd people across many time zones throughout the world. He is an expert when it comes to leading, managing, and growing remote teams. He wrote a book that helps other people figure this stuff out. The book is called Running Remote. You should check that out.

He is also involved in philanthropy. He’s an all-around good and busy guy. Thanks for being here. Please fill in some of the blanks or holes I might have left in your background. We want to have enough context so that people understand who they’re reading about and what kind of experience you bring to this conversation.

I studied Medicine, but I was always entrepreneurial even while I was doing medicine. I took a year off to do a marketing consulting gig. I was starting businesses all the time. I had this entrepreneurial spirit. Medicine is amazing. It’s an incredible profession. It’s something that was hard to leave eventually, but I became quite successful in one of the businesses. It’s a bit of a pull to say I can’t really be a full doctor. If you’re a doctor, you have to dedicate your life to it. You can’t be half a doctor. You’re not going to be in fair service to your patients. I started to dedicate more to entrepreneurship and let go of my medicine.

I also did an adventure where I went to the Philippines and lived there for a while because I wanted to get that team built. That was a great place to build a team with lower costs. It was really effective and interesting. I wanted to try a different experience. While I was there, I realized that I didn’t like the office that I built. I ended up building an office with 40 people. It was expensive. It was difficult. I didn’t want to live in the Philippines anymore. I didn’t like the weather. I was trying to explore, maybe go around the world, and travel, so I decided that I wanted to get rid of the office.

I created this software, Time Doctor, to make sure I knew what was happening, to be clear with the team, and to have a level of accountability. That’s how it started in the beginning, and then it has evolved from there to be more about process improvement and things like that. That’s how I started it in the beginning. We have also been remote from the beginning before COVID. We have been a completely remote team, which is a really interesting experience. We started a conference called Running Remote and a book called Running Remote as well.

Elite Entrepreneurs Podcast | Rob Rawson | Sustaining Business Vision

Running Remote: Master the Lessons from the World’s Most Successful Remote-Work Pioneers

That’s a great backdrop to our conversation. Congratulations on what you’ve built. What a cool thing that you had a leg up on the rest of us when COVID happened and we were all trying to figure out how to do this remote thing. There are many business owners, including yourself, who have been running that way for some time and felt like, “This is normal. This is not bad. We know what to do.” I’m glad that you didn’t have to experience the disruptive nature of trying to figure out remote when that happened and that you could be a resource to others who were trying to figure it out.

Let’s shift gears. You are a time doctor. We’ll go with that. You’ve written a book called Running Remote. You know that part of the business really well and how to build remote teams, be productive, and all of those things. I would like to open up your brain a little bit and get you talking about some of those scaling years.

Lessons From Running Remote

When you’re going from $1 million to $10 million, from 7 figures to 8 figures, there are a lot of transitions in the business and yourself as a leader that needs to happen in order for that scaling to take place. I could generalize and share a lot of the common things, but I’d love to have you zero in on the few lessons that really helped you through that journey that might be helpful to others who are trying to do the same.

When I was seven figures, I had a fairly small team and a low-cost team as well. That was necessary because it was bootstrapped. We never raised money, so we had to do everything as low cost as possible. That was good. It was a really great strategy, but as you evolve, you need a higher-level team number. We did have a period during COVID where a lot of our senior team members either got up-leveled, so we hired someone to manage them, or we let them go. That is a difficult period you go through as a growing pain for the business. That was interesting and difficult. I listen to lots of podcasts as well about business. I’ve read lots of books. I have that mindset that I needed to do that, and that was probably helpful as well.

A new thing is the structure that I’ve put in place where I have myself and then directly under me is a president and everyone reports to him. Having really clear roles and accountability for the senior leadership team and making sure that we got the right people in the right seats for the senior leadership team are fundamentals, but most people don’t get that. I was doing all of the busy work for the entire business as we were growing it.

I have a business partner. He was more focused on the marketing, but I was doing the operations of managing everyone. That’s a really heavy lift. I’ve hired that president. I had a bit of a failure in trying to hire that president, but I eventually hired a president who was successful. That has been a huge improvement for me personally where I have more flexibility. I’ve gone to another level in the business where I don’t have to be there for every single decision. It’s a business that runs without me to some degree or a large degree. That’s a huge improvement. There are lots of other things I can share as well.

I want to rewind a little bit. What you’re talking about with this next level of organization where you’ve got a president involved, like a real leadership team, our audience is going to get to that, hopefully, at some point. Let’s stay in that place where you realized, “Some of the people that came along with me at the beginning and helped me to get this thing going are no longer able to be in the seats that I need. As I’m forming a leadership team, I’m having to hire other people in.”

Challenges Of Remote Work

That challenge is one that a lot of business owners don’t anticipate. They’re like, “These people are coming with me and I feel loyal to them, and they’ve done all these great things,” but at some point, we max out what they’re able to do. You don’t know what it looks like after that because they’ve never been there, so you need to bring in some outside people.

I heard you describing that. I’d like to dig in on that a little bit more because there’s a lot of real emotion involved with, “These people have been loyal to me. We’ve developed relationships. Now, they aren’t the right people to help me go from where we are to where we’re going next.” That’s a hard thing. Can we talk about what that was like for you?

Yeah. It was difficult, and it is difficult in many ways. In one way, you don’t even know that you need a new person. You’re like, “Is this person capable?” There are so many questions and it’s not clear. I myself am going through another level. I’m going to the next level. This is more in a $5 million to $10 million stage. For $1 million to $5 million, you’re more going with your existing team. All the time, you need to have capable people, but there is a different type of skill the larger you are, which is more about management and getting the right people underneath you.

You always need capable people on your team. But as your organization grows, a different skill set becomes crucial: leadership focused on management and building a strong team. Share on X

I struggled multiple times with the people that I hired to do that, so it wasn’t just with our existing team members. I was fairly clear that they weren’t right, some of them, in terms of their team dynamics. Maybe they were good at their job, but they were really not that good at interacting with other people or hiring the next level underneath them, or they even resisted growing. They didn’t want a larger team. You see that. Especially for people who are a bit more introverted, they might be drawn to my business developer types as well. In our developer organization, you’d have some people who would be amazing at the work of development but not so good at hiring other developers, managing, and working with them. That’s really interesting. It directly ties to their personalities.

It doesn’t make it easy to hire an outside person because I’ve made a lot of mistakes with the outside people. I hired salespeople and sales leadership that didn’t work multiple times, or it was marginally. The learning that you’re constantly learning is that you do hold on too long, like, “Maybe this is going to work out. Maybe it’s going to turn around.” Usually, it doesn’t, especially with a senior person.

If I have maybe a lower cost person in the Philippines as an assistant and I’m paying them $1,000, and it’s not quite right, that’s a little bit more understandable versus hiring someone $100,000. They have to be right. There are no question marks when you have someone on six figures. They have to be the right person. Every time I’ve delayed with that higher salary person and thought, “Maybe it’s going to work,” that was a mistake. To make that quick decision is really important.

Let’s talk about both of those things. One of them was that you got it wrong a couple of times trying to hire somebody more senior in. You didn’t get it right and you’ve learned some things about what to look for or how to improve the selection process so that you don’t make the mistakes as often. The other side was, “If I do get somebody in who doesn’t fit or who isn’t working out, how would I be able to tell that sooner and take action on that so I’m not sharing a high-dollar person?”

Let’s start with the one that you started with, which was, “I knew that I needed to go outside.” You mentioned this $5 million to $10 million range. I don’t think you’ve heard me mention this on the show in the past, but we have this view of the stages of small business being on the 1s and 3s of revenue, so $1 million to $3 million and $3 million to $10 million. Every time you triple, there’s a new thing happening. That’s whether it’s $3 million or $5 million.

That range is about right.

Building A Leadership Team

That early seven figures, you could probably get most of your team to go where you need to go for the most part. After that, you really do have to form a real leadership team. When it’s time to hire that real leadership team, whether it’s that $3 million, $5 million, or somewhere around there, and you start bringing in these higher dollar hires and they don’t work out, it’s painful. What have you learned about hiring more experienced leaders on the team that might be helpful to somebody else? What do you look for? How do you build a selection process to get that right more times than not?

It’s the clarity of the skills. There was someone that I hired that I felt, “This is a really great person.” They were great people. A lot of the people that I hired were great people, but their personalities were more inclined towards maintaining things or towards safety. I didn’t do personality tests. Maybe that’s something that I could have done. They had this inclination to try to be safe and not to grow versus the new general manager that I hired. His focus is on growth, sales, and marketing, and that has come through. That was my frustration, and I’ve solved that by hiring a new person.

It was about where their mindset is when they’re trying to run a company. I know that sounds silly, but it seems obvious to a business owner that the mindset should be on growth and sales. For a lot of people who are not business owners, that’s not where their mindset is initially coming from. For other businesses, that may be that you need someone more focused on product and building the best product possible, so I’m not saying only sales and marketing. It is very basic stuff, but I was not clear at all that this was the right person. It took me quite a while to understand that.

It’s really difficult. It’s not an easy, simple formula that you’ve got. Sometimes, I’ve been rigorous. I’ve had twenty different people that we’ve looked at and then we’ve narrowed it down, and that didn’t necessarily work. It is better having one referral and that person hit the ball out of the park. It worked straight away. There is not necessarily a formula, but if you do your best and then you fix it quickly as well, and maybe that’s not the right thing to say, you’re learning as you go. You get your instinct.

I didn’t have any other jobs before this. I was a medical doctor. That’s completely unrelated in terms of the skill of identifying if this person is the right person. One person that we’ve found who is running our conference, and that was a pretty amazing experience in hiring him, was untested. He didn’t have a big background or resume.

At that time, what I did was I hired multiple people to do the same job, which was a small project, and then it was about who was the most enthusiastic and who was driving it forward. I like that. If I was starting a business again and I was on more of a scrappy stage, that’s what I would try to do. I’d have contractors do a little bit of work, like 2 or 3 people, and then pick the 1 who is really the best. It’s almost like the survival of the fittest. The interview process is not great. You can’t always tell from the interview. If you’re good at interviews, maybe you can, but it’s difficult. The on-the-job experience is different than the initial interview experience.

My job here is to pull out what I think are key learnings for people, so I’m going to try to summarize a few things. One of them is you need to get clear. As the hiring leader, whether you’re the owner of the business, one of the senior leaders or leaders in the business, or whoever’s hiring, you have to get clear first about what success looks like in the role.

A lot of us get really clear on, “We need somebody to lead marketing,” or, “We need somebody to lead product.” We put out that job posting and say product leader or marketing leader. We grab all the qualifications from somebody else’s job post, throw it all together, and say, “Help wanted.” We cross our fingers and hope that the right people show up, but we have to get more clear than that.

Once we are more clear about what success looks like in the role, what the behaviors are, the experiences, the attitudes, and what we are looking for, the qualities, in the right candidate to produce those successful outcomes, and the better we get at defining and describing what that role really is and what it takes to be successful in that role, we’re going to be much more likely to be able to select for that person. There’s a lot of realistic tone in your approach to this. Even then, we’re not going to be perfect at it. Let’s identify it right away if we got it wrong and move on. All along the way, we’re learning. We’re improving our ability to assess talent as we go through these cycles.

I want to add another thing about who you’re hiring in the first place. Often, as business owners, we hire to build the business up. We hire salespeople or marketing people we think we need to hire to grow our business. A better approach is to hire someone to replace what you are doing. It’s a different mindset. It’s like, “I’m an entrepreneur, I want to free up my time. Whatever I’m doing, that’s what I need to hire for so that then I’m free to focus on bigger picture stuff, growth, and the next step.” I’m going to attribute that to Dan Martell who’s a SaaS coach that I work with.

Often, as business owners, we hire to build the business up. We hire salespeople or marketing people we think we need to grow our business. However, a better approach is to hire someone to delegate or offload the tasks you are currently doing. Share on X

I know Dan. I’ve talked to Dan.

He told me that. I really like that. It’s a bit of a mistake that for small to medium businesses in the $1 million to $10 million range, your first thing is always like, “How can I grow?” That is a great thought, but maybe before doing that, hire for what you are doing so that you are completely free. That complete freedom gives you so much room to explore and grow. You’re going to naturally grow the business yourself.

A lot of business owners are better at marketing or sales. I was never good at sales myself. That’s where I struggled. We transitioned from a website where people are signing up online. That was great. We were good at that, but that was a certain limit. I never did it myself. I struggled multiple times with that. Eventually, we are figuring that out, hiring somebody who’s good at sales. That’s another learning that I’ve had as well.

It’s really great learning. I don’t want to forget all the learnings I heard. One of the other learnings I heard from you was to try before you buy. It’s like, “Let’s work on a little project. Maybe there’s something we can organize and pay somebody to do to see how they approach it and how they communicate with us. What’s the quality of their work? How fast are they?” It’s all of those things with the try before you buy.

If you can get, and you didn’t use this term, multiple horses in the race, you can see who outpaces the other, who’s outworking the others, and who fits better with the team. To try before you buy and get 2 or 3 of them that you’re trying at the same time shows the contrast between those people. You end up with a better selection. I love that a lot.

This last thing you added is also equally valuable or super valuable. We have to figure out how to hire to free ourselves up. I have a good friend named Clate Mask who’s the one who introduced me to Dan Martell. I worked with Clate at a software company for ten years. We went from 7 figures to $100 million. We had this big growth success. He described it this way. He said, “Entrepreneurship is an exercise in relinquishing control.”

That’s another way to talk about that mindset of, “I’m not hiring to go get more sales. I’m hiring to relinquish control. Once I organize the work that I’m doing enough that I can identify an owner and give it to them, now I can do other higher-value tasks. I can go build out new sales funnels or marketing capabilities. I can go work on product vision. I can go build a leadership team or whatever I need to be doing to get us to that next level as long as I’m not bogged down in the day-to-day.”

We have to get better as business owners at identifying chunks of work that we’re doing, organizing that, getting clear on what that really looks like to do it well, and then giving it to somebody else so that we can move on to the next thing. I love how you described that. That’s very good. Is there anything else as you think back on that 7 to 8-figure journey? You’re building teams. You’re learning how to select the right team members. You’re letting go of responsibilities as quickly as you can.

Maintaining Company Vision

What about coordinating rhythms? Especially in a remote environment, how do you take a team that’s distributed and growing? How do you manage the complexity of that so we’re all pulling together towards the same goal? Everybody’s doing their part towards a unified objective. Were there planning or coordinating rhythms that you had to put in place to make that happen?

Yeah. We have a structure for that, which is based on a weekly meeting that is with our different leadership levels. We also have goals or rocks, as we call them. Those are what you’re going to do for the next 90 days. We follow something called EOS, which you might have heard of before. We have our own version of it. Those rocks are really important, so we make sure that everyone’s clear on what they’re going to do and then what everyone else is doing. It’s not perfect, but it keeps us aligned.

Having that spirit where you have meetings with your peers and you’re able to discuss, debate, challenge each other, and say, “I disagree with that,” and have everyone commit the one thing that we’re going to do, or if people are disagreeing and then the leader says, “This is what we’re going to do,” and then we all commit to it, that kind of structure is really important as well. That is synchronous, which means we’re on a call and doing that all together.

When you’re working remotely, there’s a lot more asynchronous stuff, which means you’re recording videos, recording messages, or sending messages. We often have in our company all-hands announcements. We have things with our vision. We’ve got our company values that we’re constantly reinforcing our vision of where we’re going. We’re constantly saying, “This is what our vision is,” and “Here’s what’s exciting.” We’re also praising people. All of this stuff is done remotely in asynchronous messages. We need to get better at that. It’s constant practice.

This remote work has been something that’s forced on people with COVID. There are companies that are good at it. There are companies like GitLab. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of them. They’re a billion-dollar company and they’re remote. There are a few other multi-billion dollar companies that are fully remote, like not even a single office, which is incredible.

They’ve been doing it for many more years. They have it figured out. We’ve got it figured out better than average, but they’ve got it even figured out to a better level. That’s what we covered in our book. We interviewed a lot of them and said, “What are you guys doing?” They told us that asynchronous is a huge factor there. It’s how you find the information and how you make sure people can get it, see it, and know where it is. They can digest it when they want to.

It’s also good because meetings can really interrupt people a lot. They can take a lot of time, and it can distract. Maybe you don’t need to be in that meeting. For a lot of people, when they went from the in-office to remote, the default was a lot of meetings or a lot of Zoom time. That’s probably not the most effective. It’s some balance where you do have meetings because you need to have that virtual face-to-face, but you also need to have a lot of time for yourself. You need to be able to digest material more quickly by reading it and listening to it. That’s that asynchronous type of communication.

Those are great tips. I think about the challenge that we all have in any business, but especially as we’re growing and the complexity’s growing by the number of people and the number of interactions between people, that increases as the team size grows. We still have the challenge of targeted, coordinated action. That’s more people, but we got to come together and have targeted and coordinated action.

I love the distinction you made between synchronous and asynchronous. Whatever realities that you’re working with in your business, we have to set up the meeting rhythm, the structure, and the tools that people can use to make sure we’re all pulling in the same direction. We didn’t start this place, but you mentioned vision and values. We’re back to that word clarity. You’re always leading to that. I heard you say, “We’re bringing it up all the time when we get together. We’re talking about our vision and celebrating people living the values.” That kind of clarity is important to bring everyone together. I love those examples.

It’s even more when you’re remote because it’s harder. When you’re there in person, you get a bit more natural. It naturally comes across and you’re naturally chatting to people. When you’re remote, it doesn’t happen as often and you feel disconnected. You have to create that feeling that you’re part of something, that you are moving towards something, and that it’s exciting like, “Look what we’re doing.”

It’s really got to be intentional for the leadership. We do that intentionally, but I need to constantly do it more. You need to over-communicate when you’re remote because it doesn’t happen naturally. What tends to happen is everyone’s sitting there from home and they don’t really even feel like they’re part of something. They’re paid their salary, but they’re like, “Is this something I’m a part of?” It feels a bit disconnected. Do you know what I’m saying?

Elite Entrepreneurs Podcast | Rob Rawson | Sustaining Business Vision

Sustaining Business Vision: You need to over-communicate when you’re remote because what tends to happen is that everyone’s sitting there from home and they don’t really even feel like they’re part of something.


I do.

You’ve got to counter that.

What I hear you saying is maybe the CEO stands for Chief Engagement Officer or Chief Energy Officer. How do you fuel that connectedness over time and space when you have all this remote team? You have to go even further to try to make that happen when we’re not coming together and at least fueling off of each other’s energy when we’re in the same room physically. In a remote situation, you have to manufacture that through your leadership. It’s all communication. You can’t assume that it’s going to be okay. You have to be fanning that flame always.

It’s clear to me, and hopefully to everybody reading, that the lessons you’ve learned over the last several years truly qualify you to help people understand what’s coming. All the things that I see eight-figure businesses have figured out are coming out of your mouth. Whether you know how to call them out specifically or not, I hear every point along the way.

You have to be clear. You have to have a vision. You have to surround yourself with the right people. You have to give them ownership. You have to set up the right processes and structure to coordinate an ever-growing team. You have to keep them engaged and excited by always setting the vision and always reinforcing that.

Practical Advice For Business Owners

You’re saying all the things and all of our $1 million to $3 million business owners are saying, “That sounds like a lot. I’m doing all this right now. How could I possibly do that?” To bring it back full circle, when you hire the people who can take stuff off of your plate and carry some of that burden with you or for you, then you can be freed up to do some of these other things that Rob was talking about. It’s essential if you want to scale.

Hiring those people to be able to do your work is so critical. This may not be what people want to know, but it does depend on the type of business as well. For some types of businesses, it’s going to be a lot of work. It’s possible for every business. If you’re successful and you’ve got enough margin, you can hire people, but it is easier for some businesses to be able to leverage yourself out of the business. For other businesses, you are always going to be drawn back in. There are going to be more struggles. Maybe it’s a lower-margin business. You can’t afford to hire someone that has that salary level.

Hiring people to be able to do your work is so critical. Share on X

The type of business is critical as well. That’s really difficult because you’re already in one type of business. You’re like, “How do I get out of that?” or, “What do I do now?” It’s something you have to think about because it’s critical. If you run a low-margin business, you’re going to struggle to do some of these things. How can you hire someone when you’re in a low-margin business? You don’t have any profit if you do that.

That’s right. We don’t get into business models a lot here, but since you’re bringing it up, my recommendation for those who feel like they might be inclined to put themselves in that camp right away and say, “Most of what Rob said doesn’t apply to me because I’m in this low margin business. He gave me a pass to check out,” I would challenge it a little bit because the principle still stands.

The problem for you needs to be, “How do I get better at the use of my time? How do I organize work in a way that we can accomplish more with the current team than we were before?” The push to get even better internally goes way up. That need to get better goes up if you’re in a lower margin business so that you can create some space to bring on some more help.

It’s possible. I’ve seen people do this in low-margin cleaning companies. I’ve seen people do this in other home service types of businesses that you would think are lower margins. You can’t outsource to a low-cost VA somewhere else a home service visit. You have to have somebody who’s skilled and who comes in and does the work. I’ve seen it in all types of businesses. Some models have a little bit more room for it than others, so I take the point. You’re right.

There will be cleaning businesses that are extremely successful. It’s not necessarily the fact that you’re in a cleaning business. It’s the fact that you have a low margin, you’re not operating it well, or you have the cheapest contracts. Some cleaning businesses make a heap of money. That’s because they’re in the right niche and they’ve got the right clients. They figured something out that really works.

That’s right. I think we would both agree that if you feel like you’re stuck in that low-margin space, there’s an opportunity to improve your business before you can start doing some of the things we talked about. It’s possible. If you’re like, “It’s not possible here,” then you either need to be happy with what you have or get out of that business and do something.

That’s true.

This has been fantastic. I love hearing from people who’ve done this. It’s a pleasure to hear the keys that you’ve found to grow from 7 to 8 figures. This was very great stuff that you shared. I hope that people can start to do one of those things. You can’t do them all at once. If you’re reading and you’re like, “That sounds good,” you can’t do it all at once. It took Rob years to do one of those things at a time. Carve out the next thing, get to work, make it a little bit better, and then do the next thing. It’ll come around. Is there anything else you want to share before we wrap it up?

I want to say that as I’ve been doing this for a while, I’m successful financially. I came to the realization that it’s not just about me. I pledged to give 10% of my income to charities. I did that through Giving What We Can, which is an organization where you physically pledge it. When you write it down, maybe you have a bit of intention, but it falls away rather than when you sign a document that says, “I’m going to give 10%. I have a goal to save 10,000 children’s lives or dramatically improve their lives through the work that I do.”

This gives me extra meaning through the work that I’m doing because it really motivates me and drives me. I have enough already myself. I have a beautiful house. I have kids. I’m married. My life is amazing. I don’t want to have a plane or something super expensive, so what’s the point of that? I encourage people to think about that for themselves as well.

Thank you for ending our episode with that. That elevated the level of significance. Everything you shared has been amazing, but you took it up a notch when we think about how we can impact the world using the benefits of what we’ve created and the gifts that we’ve been given. That’s a great example. Look for ways to give back. I like how you said it.

It becomes additional purpose fuel back into what you’re doing in the business. You’re like, “If we do this well, I get to have more meaning in the lives that I’m saving.” That’s super cool. If people want to learn more about Time Doctor or if they want to connect with you on social, how would they go about doing that?

TimeDoctor.com, you can contact me there. Running Remote is our conference and our book. You can also contact me there. You could email me at Rob@TimeDoctor.com as well.

You’re so generous. It’s TimeDoctor.com. Running Remote is the book and the conference where you can go and plug into these great shares that he and his team are up to to help you be more effective as you’re leading distributed teams and trying to scale your business. Thanks again for being here. I really appreciate it.

Great to chat.

For all of you out there tuning in, please, like, share, and review. Do all those things that help us get these episodes in front of as many seven-figure business owners as possible. We want to share these valuable lessons from our guests like Rob who aren’t just sharing theory, but they’re sharing the things that have helped them accomplish what they’ve set out to do. It makes a big difference. Get out there and share. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the show.


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About Rob Rawson

Elite Entrepreneurs Podcast | Rob Rawson | Sustaining Business VisionRob Rawson, a qualified medical doctor, began his entrepreneurial journey by moving from Australia to the Philippines, where he established a successful digital advertising agency. Recognizing the need for improved transparency and productivity within his remote team, Rob developed Time Doctor’s software, initially to enhance the efficiency of his own team. Seeing its potential, he then decided to offer this solution as a SaaS product. This led to the founding of Timedoctor.com in 2011, which he has since grown into an 8-figure SaaS business. Time Doctor now boasts over 130 full-time team members, operating remotely from 31 different countries.

Rob is also the co-founder of the world’s largest conference on remote work, Running Remote, and co-author of the book “Running Remote,” released in August 2022. In this groundbreaking work, Rob and his co-founder Liam Martin explore the benefits and strategies of remote and asynchronous work.

Apart from his business ventures, Rob is deeply committed to philanthropy. He has made significant donations to The Life You Can Save Australia, an organization dedicated to reducing global poverty and its effects. Rob has also made a lifetime pledge with Giving What We Can, a charity that encourages people to donate a portion of their income to effective causes. His contributions extend to various other charities, reflecting his commitment to social responsibility and global welfare.

Currently residing in Sydney, Australia, with his wife and two kids, Rob continues to be a prominent figure in the remote work community and an advocate for effective charitable giving.



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