Brett Gilliland, CEO at Elite Entrepreneurs

60-MINUTE Live Q&A

Thursday, May 27th
1:00 PM EST/12:00 PM CST/11:00 AM MST/ 10:00 AM PST

Why should you participate in this FREE one-hour session with Brett Gilliland?

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Has your growth slowed and you aren’t sure what to do to start it up again? Are you struggling with hiring the right people for the right roles to support your business? Need help defining and addressing your pain points? We’re here to help!

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In this free Q&A event, you’ll have the opportunity to listen to other business owners just like you address the common struggles that are nearly universal at the seven-figure revenue plateau. The answers might open your eyes to new ideas and possibilities!

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 No matter what struggles you and your business are facing, or what obstacles and challenges are holding you back from seeing the growth you want, Brett has the answers you need. This Q&A is all about you!


Brett Gilliland is Founder and CEO of Elite Entrepreneurs, a company that specializes in giving $1M+ business owners the knowledge, processes and tools to grow to $10M and beyond. Brett is an expert in organization development, leadership and strategy and spent 10 years helping Infusionsoft grow from $7M in revenue to over $100M. Brett was involved in the foundational work of Purpose, Values and Mission at Infusionsoft and facilitated the strategic planning process for many years.