Looking for a Professional Executive Business Coach 
Get a Predictable Way to Grow Your Business

Who We Help

You are hitting a 7-figure revenue ceiling
You want to grow to 8-figures and beyond

    Grow Past 7-Figures with

    The Elite Business Growth Method

    A smart business design gives you more time, reduces the amount of effort required of you, makes team-building easier, and makes achieving your business goals a reality.

    The problem is not that you or your team are not working hard enough; it’s that you have a huge opportunity to design it to work much more effectively and produce a bigger bang for the buck.

    Using the Elite Business Growth Method, you’ll create:

    Powerful team alignment so the entire team will have a greater impact on the business
    Higher individual productivity as employees will more clearly know what’s expected of them and you will know exactly how their efforts will strengthen your business results
    Stronger profit margins as you reduce unnecessary costs, avoid the high cost of bad hires, and bring in more revenue.

    Start with ELITE IGNITION

    Elite Ignition is delivered remotely over 4 weeks. You will have access to: 

    Four, 2-hour live online sessions over 4 weeks: You and your team will have access to Live Sessions to learn the Elite Entrepreneur Business Growth Method to maximize your productivity and stability.




    (BONUS) Bring your leadership team to attend with you. When you learn together, set goals together, and execute together you are well on your journey to achieving amazing growth. Bring up to 4 members of your leadership team at no additional cost. 

    (BONUS) An additional business coaching call for your team with one of our business and implementation experts after each session. That is 4 bonus business coaching calls just to ensure you get tons of value that actually change your business for the better.

    Meet the Executive Coaches

    David Gilliland

    Elite Executive Coach

    Brett Gilliland

    CEO of Elite Entrepreneurs

    Stephanie Hitchins

    Elite Executive Coach

    Miranda Daigneault

    Elite Executive Coach

    Here are what other business owners who have “conquered
    the chaos” have said about working with us:

    She invested in developing leaders–
    and leapt from small business to thriving enterprise

    Growing BEYOND $1 million takes a different mindset and approach than GROWING TO $1 million. Before Elite Forum, I spent 80% in the business, 20% on the business. After Elite Forum, I spent 90% on the business, 10% in the business.

    It gave me the clarity to build and invest in my executive management team and delegate responsibilities and decision making. Without Elite Entrepreneurs, I would not have had the foundation for the success we have today. I feel it really changed the way I think from small business to becoming an enterprise.

    Susan Asay

    Apex PROaupair, San Clemente, CA

    Revenue Before: $1.05M

    Revenue After: $2.59 M

    His company’s gone from reacting to events
    to executing a clear vision for achieving goals

    “Our investment in the Elite was hands-down the best money we have ever spent on our business. It literally saved us ten years and hundreds of thousands of dollars by exposing the on-ramp to the super-highway of business growth.

    Since going through the program, our yearly revenue has expanded by 15 times! Even in the pandemic of 2020, we saw a $7 million increase in sales over the prior year thanks to the methods taught at Elite. 

    Thank you Brett and Team Elite for making your expertise and experience available to driven entrepreneurs who believe enough in their businesses to make the financial commitment to join. We are so blessed to have been a part of this program, and are so proud to be part of the Elite Family.”

    Eric Sparrow

    CEO, Milkhouse Creamery, Inc.

    From Chaotic and Stuck
    to Aligned, Efficient and Profitable

    “Elite Entrepreneurs has completely revamped our business. The tools and guidance we have received from Elite Entrepreneurs has helped our business tremendously. We are more aligned, more efficient and more profitable. There were other factors that have gone into our success (someone has to do the work) but Elite Entrepreneurs was the start we needed.

    Personally, I have grown as a leader. Being able to grow and develop as a leader is the ONLY way our business and our team will be able to continue to grow. I’ve learned how to: 1. Prioritize what really matters in my life (i.e. get my personal life back); 2. Utilize and trust my team more than I have before; 3. Learn, Develop & Grow.”

    Bill Harney

    CEO, Keeping Current Matters, Richmond, VA

    Revenue Before: $1M

    Revenue After: $3M

    She was Ready to Sell Her Company–But Now Loves Her Company Again

    “I was almost to the point that I wanted to sell my company and be done. I didn’t like being a CEO… Once I got into Elite Ignition, right away I could tell it was fantastically different than the other programs I had been in before. It was like ‘yeah, this is the way I’m going to grow to a multimillion-dollar, hundred million dollar business.’ I have big dreams, big things I want to accomplish, and I need the right tools. And I have been given the right tools.”
    Rebecca Keller, CEO of Gravitas Publications Inc.

    You’re not here for business coaching, you’re here to grow your business and to do it with less insanity. As you read these comments from our customers, you may realize that you’ve said something similar: 


    “I cannot believe he said that to one of my customers!”
    “Why don’t people follow the simple steps I’ve created?”
    “I have worked way too long and way too hard to not be able to enjoy some free time. “What am I doing wrong?”
    “Why is it that I see other people taking the next step in business, and I have been stuck at the same place for 4 straight years?”
    “Are employees really this stupid or is this my fault somehow?”
    “When I worked for someone else, I thought like an owner, why can’t my employees?”
    “I am working harder than ever for less money than I used to make. What’s wrong?” 
    When we are ready to get off the crazy merry-go-round in our businesses, we ALL start to look for a solution… 

    ‘It Has Already Cost Me a Fortune Not to Fix It’

    Here are the kinds of questions we ask:

    “Surely, I am not the first person to run into this problem. I just need to learn what they learned fast.”
    “Others who are not half as smart as I am have figured out how to move forward and I will, too.“I am working harder than ever for less money than I used to make. What am I doing wrong?” 
    “It would be worth a lot of money to solve this issue…it has already cost me a fortune not to fix it.”

    So naturally we turn to others who have made it to the next level. We look for mentors. We hire a business coach.

    Why Get More than Just a Business Coach

    Not all business coaching is created equally and there are a few things we despise about it. Here’s a list of what you should hate about business coaching too:

    6-12 month contracts for business coaching when I don’t even know if they can help me

    It’s a $10,000 to $100,000 commitment that could either make me 2 million dollars or just cost me $10,000 to $100,000 to learn the lesson to not be a sucker again. I could just pay $200 dollars to a local con artist and learn the same thing

    The business coaching and advice given really doesn’t align with who I am as a person. Do I have to be a jerk to succeed?

    I might waste 3 months with the business coach before I realize that they are nothing more than a life coach or ‘business therapist’. I don’t need someone to empathize with me, I need to make progress!

    I signed onto a contract and spent my time only to find out that all of their successful business coaching engagements had a similar problem…that wasn’t similar to mine.

    I meet with my coach for 1 hour and I am buried by the number of things I have to do before our next meeting. I need help finding more time without losing it.

    …the list could go on and on. So what should you look for?



    Business coaching should be centered around a proven methodology to help businesses at your stage of business. If you are at 7 figures or rapidly approaching that milestone (will hit it within the next 6 months) AND you want to at the minimum double or triple in size in the next few years, you are in the right place. 
    Business coaching needs to be in line with some of your fundamental values as the business owner. If you care about making a difference in the world or in the life of your employees and consider financial success as the means to buy the time and financial freedom needed to live your dream… you are going to love what we have created to help you do just that.
    Business coaching alone will not get you the success you desire. So we created a system that does work. It has helped hundreds of 7 figure business owners grow their business without losing their minds. There are business coaches who focus on helping infopreneurs and professionals leverage their skills online and reach success with only 2 or 3 employees. This is not us. We are interested in working with those who see growing a team as essential to delivering on their business model.

     That’s why we have combined focused-business-coaching
    with best-in-class training of our methodology so your whole team can benefit and grow with you.


    We also pull together fellow business owners on the journey with you so you can learn from each other and accelerate your growth and network. 

    Come and experience the first step on the journey to help you build the business and team that will take you to the next level…
    We call it Elite Ignition.


    Bottom Line: The business design that got you here won’t solve your current problems…


    Just as the challenges faced by $1M+ entrepreneurs like you are predictable, the changes you need to make are predictable, too.

    And the really good news: Anyone who got this far in their business can make the next leap. Elite Ignition can show you how.

    Let’s work together and grow your

    7-figure business to new heights